The Hockel Family | Lifestyle Family Photography


Gabrielle was practically born ready for pictures. Dimitri stood admirably, soldier-like. Alice was an absolute imp (she is my spirit animal and I probably could have photographed just her and her many faces for an entire hour). Anselm sat still for all of a 10 seconds before crawling into the grass in search of something to eat. All in all, an excellent shoot.

I met up with Audrey, Caleb & Co. in the most beautiful meadow (Hitchcock Nature Center!) in the Loess Hills, overlooking green timber and trails as a glory of golden sun passed through the leaves. A perfect spot for our sunset romp.

Audrey and Caleb, I love your family. As I was editing your gallery, I kept seeing that you and your children are happy, healthy and whole. What a treasure! “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Enjoy a tiny snippet of my absolute favorites from our gorgeous night! Love you, friends.