The Ruiz Family | Lifestyle Family Photography


Winter can be long, especially when it’s three long months of one interminable shade of brown, but…there are these moments, where afternoon sunlight pours through your heart and you get to chill with people that are happy and that are home.

Backlit dust motes and twirling princesses make you remember that there’s beauty and magic, even now while we wait for green things.

Kelsie, it’s hard to believe that we met for coffee over a year ago to talk about creating memories with your new sweet baby boy (how is he so big already?!!!)! At three month intervals we got the rich tones of a setting sun in the woods. Raucous splashing at the creek beds in the height of summer. Apple orchard glows in the fall. And now this - home.

I love the baby bubble bath in the sink. The sweet cheeks in mama’s arms. Daddy helping his girl into her necklace and gown. Prince Charming’s kiss. Nursery play and giggles on the couch. Oh! These are my favorite. Especially the blurry ones. The every day sceneslived out at home, created in a couple of hours together…and now those very seconds exist for all time.

I’ve loved every session, but this is my favorite. I’ll always have a soft spot for real life in a real home.

Kelsie and John, I hope you love these! Thank you for entrusting me with such a special privilege this past year.

Much love from me!


Heather Hall